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An Interview with Small Business Owner, Louisa Daniels

Morning Louisa. So what made you start up your pilates business?

I fell in love with Pilates after suffering with many years of backpain. I had quite major spinal surgery in my early 20’s, and after a year the pain started coming back.

They told me I needed another operation and that’s when I decided I needed to do something a little bit more holistic and take things into my own hands. I didn’t want to go under the knife again and that’s when I started Pilates.

My love for it grew very quickly when I saw the benefits and how it changed my body. I wanted to share the experience with others, and after having my two children it was a perfect time to start my business.

Oh wow! So what were you doing beforehand?

I worked in finance for many years and was lucky enough to have a few years off when I had my boys. I didn’t want to go back to an office job, so to be able to turn my passion into my day job was incredible!

That's wonderful! So what have you enjoyed most about moving away from corporate life and starting up your business?

My business has been going for seven years now and I have thrown everything into it. It’s a very physical job and can be exhausting at times, but I have never dreaded going into work once.

I adore my clients and they make so happy. Seeing the physical changes in them never gets boring and when they start to trust their bodies again after being in pain, is the best feeling ever.

Enjoying what you do is so important!


Has there been any challenges along the way?

The most challenging part for me at the beginning was learning how to say no. There is a lot of demand for Pilates in the area and when I ran out of space in one class, I would put on another. I did end up burning myself out for a short while, but now I have an incredible team of teachers, so we can share the work load.

Balance is always important. Looking ahead then, where do you hope to find yourself in five years time?

I used to want to open a second studio, but I have decided against that now. I have realised that I would be spreading myself to thinly and I wouldn’t be there enough for my clients.

I’ve recently started putting on Pilates retreats, so I would like to focus on those a little bit more. I’ve actually got three this year and they’re nearly all fully booked! I’ve got a wonderful support network of clients that can’t seem to get enough of Pilates!

Oh wow! That sounds exciting, maybe we should book onto one! So moving on from the slightly serious stuff... Louisa, what is your favourite cocktail?

This is a hard one and I don’t think I can choose just one! I absolutely love a gin fizz, my favourite one is from Balthazar in Covent Garden. My other favourite cocktail is a rum punch - but it must be drunk on a Caribbean beach!

We are a little biased towards a gin fizz! So an equally serious and important question... your favourite biscuit?

This is a common debate in our house!! For me it will always be a Chocolate Hobnob.

An important debate though! And if you had to be any animal, what would it be?

A golden retriever - I have two and they are literally living their best lives!! But a horse would be a close second… riding is my favourite way of spending my day off.

I think every dog is always living their best life! And finally, your dream holiday destination?

Turks & Caicos. We managed to get away last year when the pandemic started to settle. It was a family holiday of a lifetime and I would love to go back. The sea life was incredible…. (and now I’m starting to question my answer on your previous question. I think perhaps I’d like to come back as a manta ray, there is something dreamy and peaceful about them)!

That sounds incredible Louisa! Thank you so much for taking the time to chat with us and we wish you all the best.

Be sure to check out Louisa's studio if you are local to her. If not, she runs some excellent classes online so you can take part anywhere in the world! One of our team does from France! Subscribe to our newsletter below to stay up to date with the blogs, features and news we release as well as receiving the latest discounts and deals on our products!

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